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FPPC Filings

The Political Reform Act requires Candidates, Local Elected Officials, Primary Formed Committees supporting Local Candidates, or Ballot Measures complete certain filings. 

The Campaign Filings filed are a a requirement of a public official or candidate.  The Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) and local Municipal Codes enforce campaign contribution limits and requires public reporting of all contributions monetary and in-kind.

The documents below have been redacted as allowed by the FPPC Regulation 18756 (Regulations of the Fair Political Practices Commission, Title 2, Division 6, California Code of Regulations) which requires the personal information such as address, phone number and signature from being available on the City website.  This information is available on paper and can be purchased through the City Clerk's Office at $.10 per page, if documents are older than 5 years a $5.00 research fee will be charged.  Contact the Joel G. Pablo, City Clerk by e-mail at, to request documents. 

Contact Us

Lemon Grove City Hall
3232 Main Street
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
(619) 825-3800

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