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Department Responsibilities

Stormwater is part of a statewide effort to protect our creeks, lagoons, ocean, and other natural water bodies from pollution, minimization of polluted urban runoff, and the reduction of paved areas to allow natural drainage of urban runoff into the City's storm drain system. 

What is Storm Water Pollution?

When it rains, water flows over parking lots, streets, yards and other surfaces collecting everything from cigarette butts to motor oil and washes them into the storm drain system. Storm drains are designed to reduce potential flooding of streets and properties when it rains but are not connected to treatment systems. Therefore, everything that is washed down a storm drain eventually ends up in lakes, rivers, creeks and, ultimately, on the beach and in the ocean.

The Pollution Solution:

To reduce storm water pollution, city staff, developers, contractors, businesses and residents are required to implement Best Management Practices (BMPs). BMPs are practices or devices used to reduce or eliminate pollutants from entering the storm water system. A BMP can be as simple as picking up after your pet, using minimal fertilizers and least toxic pest controls, or eliminating over-irrigation of your landscaping.

Conserve Water:

The Helix Water District adopted permanent water efficiency measures such as eliminating runoff from irrigation and not washing down paved surfaces. For a full list of water efficiency measures visit the Helix Water District website at Helix Water District customers may also be eligible for rebates on select landscape improvements and water efficient devices. Helix Water District staff will also complete free water efficiency evaluations at residential homes upon request. Visit for details on current rebates and program requirements.

Quick links 
2022 Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP)
2022 GIS Files2022 Jurisdictional Runoff Management Program (JRMP) GIS Files
Municipal Code
2015 JRMP Best Management Practices (BMP) Manual - Appendix B

2016 Lemon Grove BMP Design Manual-Post Construction Permanent BMPs

Only Rain Down The Drain

The mission of the Lemon Grove Stormwater Division is to effectively and efficiently implement elements of the San Diego Region NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) Permit. Please report illegal dumping (paint, chemicals, etc.) and irrigation runoff, which are prohibited from flowing into the City's stormdrain system.

  • Stormwater Hotline: 619-825-3820 or Email

The Problem: What is Stormwater Pollution?

Stormwater pollution is urban runoff water that has picked up pollutants as it flows through the storm drain system, a network of channels, gutters, and pipes that collect runoff from city streets, neighborhoods, farms, construction sites, and parking lots, and empties directly into local waterways.

Unlike sewage, which goes to treatment plants, urban runoff flows untreated through the storm drain system. Anything thrown, swept, or poured into the street, gutter, or a catch basin (the curbside openings that lead into the storm drain system) flows directly into our channels, creeks, bays, and ocean. This includes pollutants like trash, pet waste, cigarette butts, motor oil, anti-freeze, runoff from pesticides and fertilizers, paint from brushes and containers rinsed in the gutter, and toxic household chemicals. Over-irrigation leaving residential and commercial properties can transport these pollutants down storm drains and into the streams and ocean and is prohibited.

In recent years, sources of water pollution like industrial waters from factories have been greatly reduced. Unfortunately, the majority of water pollution now occurs from things like cars leaking oil, fertilizers from lawns and gardens, failing septic tanks, pet waste, and residential car washing flowing into the storm drains and ultimately into the ocean and waterways.

All of these sources add up to a pollution problem. But each of us can do our part to help clean up our water and that adds up to a pollution solution!

The Answer: Preventing Stormwater Pollution

Everyone in Lemon Grove can help prevent stormwater pollution since it is often caused by everyday behavior that you may not realize contributes to the problem. Simple behavior changes are all it takes to prevent stormwater pollution, if we all do our part. Find out how.

  • Avoid over-watering, which washes fertilizers and pesticides from lawns and gardens into the gutter and storm drains.
  • Be sure to clean up after your pets.
  • Sweep up yard waste and debris and dump it into a green waste can instead of using a hose to wash off sidewalks, parking areas, and garages.
  • Use non-toxic products for household cleaning.
  • When washing your car at home, use soap sparingly and pour your bucket of soapy water down the sink when you're done, not in the street.

What We Do Every Day

The Stormwater Division develops plans, implements work programs, manages studies, provides support to resident committees, leads and participates on multi-agency teams, and creates informational materials on water issues in the county.

The JRMP Annual Report for the City of Lemon Grove is available upon request at City Hall.

For More Information

For additional information on stormwater, how you can help, and the pollution-prevention efforts of the San Diego County Region, check out these websites:

By Appointment Only

(619) 825-3820

or visit us at

3232 Main Street
Lemon Grove, CA 91945
(619) 825-3800

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